Speaking your digital marketing language

It’s one thing to get social media planned and posted to your platforms, but it’s a whole other challenge to write the words that make the difference with your followers. Let’s face it… social media is extremely saturated with all sorts of information, quizzes, memes, polls and the like. So how can you not get lost in the noise? Here’s some idea that can help you speak the digital marketing language that resonates with your audience best.

1). Keep your digital marketing language conversational - avoid getting to sales-y. Followers and subscribers want to learn about you and your company, not be sold. They are looking to see enough from you so that they can know, like and trust you. When planning your content, avoid getting into the hard sale. Keep the conversation just that… conversational.

2). Get your followers talking back - ask engaging questions that get the conversation flowing. When they talk, you listen and respond. This takes the conversation to a deeper level and really drives the trust factor. You can take it a step further and direct message that follower to see if more conversation needs to be had, but the key to all that is getting the conversation rolling. That starts with engaging questions.

3). Share from a personal space - while you are using social media to promote yourself or your organization as a professional entity, don’t be afraid to get a little personal. Share photos, celebrations and even personal insights and behind-the-scenes posts. Followers like to know people… not pages or accounts. So share from the heart and from a personal point of view. That being said… avoid the drama and over-personal stuff. No one needs you to air your dirty laundry on your business account.

4). Share stories and results - again, your followers aren’t wanting to be sold. That being said, you don’t have to include all the bells and whistles that your product or service offers. You simply need to tell success stories, stories of how you’ve helped people, results they have seen and results your potential clients and customers can achieve. People buy into results. So give them a results-based story.

5). Keep your language on brand - if your brand is sophisticated, stay away from gaudy memes and street slang. If you are more hip, then feel free to keep the language more trendy. Keep your audience in mind and remember it’s a conversation, so how would the conversation go if you were in person? The same criteria matters online.

While social media copy writing can be daunting, making your approach personal and conversational can break those overwhelming barriers down. If you need some help with this area, considering joining our Digital Marketing Support Group. In this virtual community, we share monthly captions and copy writing ready for you to take and use as a jumping off point to get the conversation flowing. This helps owners and executive directors like you create engaging posts that compel interaction and conversation. Learn more at https://www.contentbyrequest.com/digital-support-group

Christie Browning

Christie is a five-time HSPA award-winning writer with a long resume of creative, compelling writing. Her background includes journalism and marketing, which allows her to bring a specialized voice to the pieces created for her clients. On her own, Christie has written for newspapers, online magazines and major publications. For her clients, Christie produces web designs, press and media releases, blog articles, downloadable worksheets and flyers as well as social media content. Her long-time career as an entrepreneur gives her unique insight into what her clients need to promote their products, services and messages.


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